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Jonny Ball Guitar

Web Design and Development


  • Static site with serverless functions
  • Hosted on Netlify
  • Built with Gatsby
  • Styled with Tailwind
  • Integrated with Stripe and MailChimp

Jonny Ball is a guitar teacher who moved to teaching online during the pandemic. Seeing this as an opportunity to widen his audience he wanted to expand his web presence from social media only to a dedicated website.

The brief was to create a personal website to attract new students. Visitors should have the ability to enquire about lessons and buy gift vouchers.

Formik with Yup field validation is used for form management and Netlify's built in form submissions handle any submitted forms, filtering out spam submissions using a bot honeypot. Tying in Formik with custom components, such as React Select was the main challenge of setting up the forms.

The Gift Vouchers are handled by Stripe Checkout. The available vouchers are created and managed in Stripe before they are sourced at build time.

On the site, users can personalise their gift voucher before a Netlify function creates the checkout session and redirects the user to Stripe's checkout page. Once purchase is completed, a Stripe webhook fires to another Netlify function to automatically deliver the personalised voucher to the recipient. A demo of the personalisation and checkout process can be seen in the video below.

A Netlify function also handles sign ups to a MailChimp mailing list.

A few months after launch the site seems to be performing well. Jonny has received several enquiries through the site and sold some gift vouchers.

"Working with Dan has been an absolute pleasure. Dan’s a consummate professional, with a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Working with Dan meant that I was able to design my website from scratch, exactly how I wanted it, alongside Dan’s guidance and suggestions to create a site that was completely unique and bespoke. He accommodated my every request punctually and I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending him to anyone. Look no further than Dan Bridges!"

Jonny Ball